Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000219_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Thu Nov 20 15:45:44 1997.msg
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From: Mush <mushypd@redrose.net>
Reply-To: mushypd@redrose.net
To: Jens Vang Petersen <top_cat@post8.tele.dk>
CC: amos-list@access.digex.net
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 1997 13:16:48 +0500
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X-Mailer: YAM 1.3.4 [020] - Amiga Mailer by Marcel Beck
Organization: Mushroom PD - AMOS Public Domain Library
Subject: Re: amftp
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It was on 20-Nov-97 when Jens Vang Petersen <top_cat@post8.tele.dk> churned
out of his machine, some babble about Re: amftp:
-> >I have the -l flag ticked in the settings, and it works fine. If you still
-> >encounter problems, then go into your browser and enter:
-> >ftp://mushy-pd.dyn.ml.org
-> Tried that, same error
-> AmiTCP:bin/ls -lgA : Invalid argument.
-> is returned from IBrowse 1.16.
Ive been watching you trying to get in, and the reason you cant is because you
are not sending your email address as the password:
20.11.97 13:10:48 ftpd (003a9ac0) connection from ppp24.hk.tele.dk
20.11.97 13:10:49 ftpd (003a76b8) PASS password
20.11.97 13:10:50 ftpd (003a76b8) cmd failure - not logged in
20.11.97 13:10:50 ftpd (003a76b8) CWD online.gif
20.11.97 13:10:50 ftpd (003a76b8) PASV
20.11.97 13:10:50 ftpd (003a76b8) PORT
20.11.97 13:10:50 ftpd (003a76b8) cmd failure - not logged in
20.11.97 13:10:50 ftpd (003a76b8) LIST
20.11.97 13:10:50 ftpd (003a9ac0) cmd failure - not logged in
20.11.97 13:10:51 ftpd (003a9ac0) CWD gfx/lava.gif
20.11.97 13:10:51 ftpd (003a76b8) FTP session closed
20.11.97 13:10:51 ftpd (003a9ac0) PASV
20.11.97 13:10:51 ftpd (003a9ac0) PORT
20.11.97 13:10:51 ftpd (003a9ac0) cmd failure - not logged in
20.11.97 13:10:51 ftpd (003a9ac0) LIST
20.11.97 13:10:51 ftpd (003a9ac0) FTP session closed
There is an option in AmFTP to set the flag which will send your email address
as password. Until you do this, most sites wont let you in when you FTP to
Andrew "Mushroom" Kellett
Email: Andy Kellett <mushypd@redrose.net> Team *AMOS* + IAPA Team *AMIGA*
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